By DermaGrow Solutions

Exploring Lesser Known Topical Solutions for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis (aka dandruff which can spread beyond the scalp) is a common skin condition characterized by redness, itching, and flaky skin on the scalp and face. It's quite a nuisance and while there is no cure as of yet,  the good news is that there are several effective topical treatments available to help manage its symptoms. In this blog post, we'll delve into some of the lesser known topical solutions which have proven efficacy.

The frontline treatment for seb derm are usually anti-fungals (like Ketoconazole or ciclopiroxolamine )which reduces the Malassezia yeast which is the commonly attributed cause of these flareups. Alternatively, corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs like tacrolimus are prescribed.

People suffering from seb derm often report these treatments are only somewhat effective or in the case of corticosteroids not very sustainable for long term use as they cause thinning of the skin. These concerns warrant investigations of other treatments with clinical backing and a lower side effect profile.

Lithium gluconate:

The exact mechanism of action of lithium gluconate is unknown but studies have shown that it does not reduce Malassezia so it’s theorized to act as a natural inflammatory. In a 2007 study with 288 patients, it was shown to be 22% more effective than Ketoconazole. [1] 

Lipohydroxy acid

This is a derivative of salicylic acid that penetrates deeper into the skin. Like its parent compound its a keratolyctic that increases skin cell turnover. In one study, a LHA containing shampoo outperformed cicloprioxolamine in both results and patient tolerance. [2]


A form of Vitamin B3, it’s also theorized to work though anti-inflammatory pathways. It’s widely used in skincare as a anti-aging ingredient. In one study, a 4% NCT cream lead to a 75% reduction in seb derm symptoms. [3]


The body’s sleep hormone and the most potent known anti-oxidant. In a hair growth study, topical melatonin was observed to significantly decrease seborrhea and seborrhea dermatitis.[4]

To Conclude:

Seborrheic dermatitis may be a persistent condition, but its symptoms can be effectively managed with the right treatments. Here at DermaGrow we’ve formulated all 4 of the above tested ingredients into an overnight serum which you can apply to your scalp, face or any area with flare ups.  If you’d like to pre-order it, please visit our website.







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